Friday, October 28, 2005
It's here! FRIDAY!
It's a nice fall day outside and it's FRIDAY! My favorite day of the week. I have sort of been in a slump for a while, but I am feeling better this morning. I am looking forward to the weekend.

Tom is finally off for the weekend after working for 26 days straight 12-14 hours a day without a break. And I complain about going to work 4 1/2 days a week, imagine that! I admire Tom for what he does and how he is so committed. He gets up everyday at 4:00 or 4:30 am to get at it. I just can't do that.

Well, I get off at 11:00 today (I only work 1/2 day on Friday) and I am going to take a friend to lunch for her birthday, run errands and then spend time with Tom since we haven't been able to spend time together lately. I miss him and I think he misses me too. Maybe we will watch a movie tonight together.

I am having trouble uploading an image to this site for today. I will have to call Frogola to see if she can do it or if it's just me. I am still learning how to do stuff here, so please bear with me.
Have a great day everyone!
posted by Cindy N. at 7:01 AM | Permalink |