Thursday, December 08, 2005
Life's Commas!
My coworker and I (he is also under some stressors at this point in his life as well) got into a major arguement yesterday over a comma in a sentence! We were actually raising our voices at each other! Yelling! How silly is that! I wanted the comma OUT of the sentence and he said it had to stay there. I disagree, but after the arguement, I decided to leave every comma and misspelled word in the document just as he wrote it. I'll show YOU, damn it!

Well, we didn't speak to each other for a couple of hours, but he apologized to me later and I to him and everything turned out alright on that front. We laughed that all of that big blow up was over a damn COMMA! Oh....the commas of life, how they affect so much!

I have learned, over the years, NEVER to say, "What else can happen?" The Man upstairs will surely show you! I went to check on my son after work yesterday; brought him some pudding, jello, and applesauce. He can't eat anything solid. He looked a little worse than the night before because now both eyes are turning black and he is still bleeding into his sinus cavity, thus additional swelling.

Anyway, back to the reason to never ask "What else"....... as I was driving out of the driveway after seeing my son, I was sucking on a piece of hard candy, (butterscotch, my favorite) and one of the crowns in my mouth came off. Now, I have to go to the dentist TOO! Ok, I have had enough over the last couple of weeks....I am tired, cranky, and I just want to sleep.

I picked up Lucy, my son's dog, and brought her home with me. She makes me smile. And I soooooo need those smiles right now. Plus, Cosby (my dog) is so happy when she comes over. He is totally in love and he thinks I bring her home just for him. I don't know why he gets so happy, because he can't perform anyway, but he kisses and licks her constantly. I think he would marry her if she would accept.

Gretchen (my other dog) is totally put out that I bring Lucy in the house at all. She thinks Lucy should be banned to the back yard, never to set foot in the house. But then, I have always said that Gretchen is a 'B' with an 'itch'! All three of them together are quite entertaining, Gretchen growling at them for having the audacity to actually play and have a good time, and the other two for enjoying ignoring Gretchen. Poor Gretchen.
posted by Cindy N. at 8:46 AM | Permalink |


  • At 4:15 PM, Blogger Renee

    I'm sorry, Cindy. That sucks, about the commas too, commas, commas, commas

  • At 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    cindy, sure seems like lots of commas in our lives these days.but it will get better. thinking of you and yours. love from texas