Monday, December 05, 2005
Listening to Christmas music....

There is nothing in this world that can get you in the Christmas mood quicker than listening to the music of the season which is what I am doing right now. I love Christmas music.

I talked to a friend in Toronto yesterday and she said it had been snowing for 2 days there. I told her I was running around in shorts, a t-shirt, and barefoot. She couldn't believe it. I want to go visit her when it's snow season because I have never seen snow like that. It must be absolutely beautiful, especially at this time of the year. That's something else, that would put me in a Christmas mood for sure. It's suppose to be colder this week all week, so maybe the mood will hit me.

I really don't want to put up a tree this year just because of the work involved. I think I feel this way every year, but I usually end up doing it anyway and then am glad I did. They are always so pretty and I enjoy looking at them throughout the season. Maybe we can go get one this weekend coming up.

These trees I have displayed here are pretty. I don't think mine will look professional like these, but it will be pretty anyway. When, and IF, I get mine put up, I'll take pictures of it and show you!

Y'all have a nice day and listen to some Christmas music!

posted by Cindy N. at 8:37 AM | Permalink |