Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I know we need it!

It is such nasty weather this morning. It rained pretty hard all the way to work this morning. I hate getting out of bed on days like this. I would just rather cover my head and go back to sleep. It is supposed to clear up this afternoon, but turn steadily colder all day. We will have a light freeze tonight. Another reason to cover up my head and stay in bed. Had to get up though! Don't tell Tom I said this, but we really do need some rain. We have a burn ban on right now because it's so dry. Of course the more rain we get the more mosquitos we have when things warm up. I'll touch on that later.

Well, it's my first day back to work in over a week. I have 6 months and 26 days before retirement now. I just keep thinking...Will I make it.....Do I want to go ahead and do it now? Well the answer to the later question is YES, I would love to go ahead and do it now, but then I think...less than 7 months, Cindy. You can do that. One Day at a Time!

Tom spent yesterday cleaning up the fenced in area of the back yard, post house painting from last summer. He doesn't get much time at home, so things take a while to get done. He was proud though and did a great job. He also Kilzed the facia around the porch so that the installer can come and put up our awning over the front and back porches. Hurricane Katrina was nice enough to tear down the previous fiber glass cover so this time, we are putting up steel. Hopefully, that will stay up a while. Since we are having to do the back porch, I decided I want the front done also. I would love to sit out there sometimes, even on rainy days, but there is no cover right now.

I am also thinking of screening in the front porch. It would be nice to be able to sit out there without worry of bugs and mosquitos. The mosquitos here are big enough to carry you away and they HURT when they bite. Sometimes in the summer, you can't stand outside without them
swarming in your face and around your ears driving you crazy! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!! I can't stand hearing that sound next to my ears. ARGHHHHHH! Slap Slap!

Last summer we had the outside of the house painted and the countertops replaced in the kitchen. This summer, we will work toward making outside more condusive to being able to BE outside. We have a pool, but once dusks sets in, so do the mosquitos. Therefore, no outside time after the sun goes down. Maybe this year though.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I should get some work done since that is what I am supposed to be here for. Have a great day and stay warm and dry!

posted by Cindy N. at 8:00 AM | Permalink |


  • At 11:02 AM, Blogger mox

    We've got some killer mosquitos here, too, and they even come out in the broad light of day. I hate to use the bug sprays on my skin, but they eat me alive if I don't. I must be sweet. I keep two fishponds going year round, and my goldfish are pretty good about keeping the larvae population down, but what I really need is a purple martin house.

    I remember when my mom was in the home stretch toward retirement. The main thing I want to tell you is this: have a plan. Know what it is you want to do once you have all that free time, or you'll end up not getting to do the things you want to do.

  • At 2:28 PM, Blogger Cindy N.

    Hi Mox, thanks for the info about retirement AND the purple martin houses. I have also heard that if you rub bounce dryer sheets on your skin, the mosquitos will let you alone. Maybe we should try that because I hate having all that stuff on me too. Skinsosoft works well too.

  • At 2:32 PM, Blogger MarkD60

    Here, in the old days, the mosquitos used to kill cows. No kidding.
    screen the porch!

  • At 9:49 AM, Blogger Cindy N.

    Candy, that would be nice! Just let me know when you want to come!