Thursday, February 23, 2006
aiakzsnf - Well, BLESS you!
This is another one of those word thingies you have to type in before you can post. This one looks like a sneeze would sound. When I saw it, I couldn't help but say Bless You. These are randomly assigned, so I think the program that does it, sneezed.

This must be the guy that wrote the program. Now he's a real sneezer! He sneezed so hard, it blew his nose off, blew all the hair off him, made his head swell up, his ears wrinkled, and now he looks sort of like a duck.

Ever really think about sneezes? There are so many types of sneezes and some of them are quite comical.

There is the "blow it all out" sneeze. - This sneeze can be from someone 5 cubicles away, but it rattles the walls in your own cubicle. It sounds like a small explosion that could do real damage if you were in the line of fire! Be very aware around these types of sneezers.

There is the "achee" sneeze. - This one that make you not sure what that little noise was. It sounds something like a cat sneezing. It starts sort of like a low 'ah' and then with a higher pitch it ends in 'chee' like a chirping bird.

There are the "sudden explosive multiple" sneezes. - This type hits my husband quite often. Once he starts, he can't stop sneezing until he blows his nose. These types of sneezes can be quite irritating to someone trying to talk to the sneezer.

Then we have the "sun sneeze". - Ever walk out of the movie theatre in the middle of the day and look up at the sky and start sneezing? Well, that happens to a lot of people, and they are called 'sun-sneezers', and that type of sneeze is actually hereditary. Weird huh? But true.

There is the "blow your face apart" sneeze. - This one comes from people who try to hold a sneeze in and the sound they make is a very faint 'che'. This one makes me think they face just may separate at the seams because sneezes should not be held in.

There is the "snotty nose sneeze". - These usually come from kids that are too young to have any manners yet and have no idea what tissues are for. They sneeze and then there is that string of snot that hangs from the nose to the mouth. Then up comes the sleeve of their shirt and the use it to smear the snot all over their little faces and their shirt. Sorry about the graphicness of this type of sneeze, but hey, it IS a real thing.

I am an "AHHCHOO" sneezer myself. - It's not explosive or excessively loud, but I sure make the most of it. Someone told me one time that a sneeze is a facial orgasm. Weeelllll, I do like to sneeze, and I don't hold back, but...we won't go any further with that.

Here are some sneezing facts, just in case you are interested:

Some of the muscles involved are the abdominal (belly) muscles, the chest muscles, the diaphragm (the large muscle beneath your lungs that makes you breathe), the muscles that control your vocal cords, and muscles in the back of your throat. Don't forget the eyelid muscles! Did you know that you always close your eyes when you sneeze? And you can't keep them open. I have heard your heart skips a beat too, but I don't know that for sure.

It is the job of the sneeze center to make all these muscles work together, in just the right order, to send that irritation flying out of your nose. And fly it does - sneezing can send tiny particles speeding out of your nose at up to 100 miles per hour! Gosh, think about THAT for a moment. You are sitting in a theatre, and the person on the back row has one of those 'rattle the cubicle wall' sneezes. Whatever he just sneezed out, just hit you in the back of the head! YUUUUCK!

What is a sneeze? Well, everybody knows what a sneeze is, but try and describe it sometime! The fact is, a sneeze is a very complicated thing, involving many areas of the brain. A sneeze is a reflex triggered by sensory stimulation of the membranes in the nose, resulting in a coordinated and forceful expulsion of air through the mouth and nose. A "reflex" means that some type of stimulation of your body causes you to react in a way that is NOT under your control, in other words you do it automatically without thinking and you can’t even stop it.

How did I get on this subject today anyway? I don't quite know. Maybe someone sneezed.

Well, Happy Sneezing to you today IF YOU ARE NOT SICK. If you ARE sick, please get well soon and keep your tissues handy.....or a sleeve if you don't have tissues.
posted by Cindy N. at 9:55 AM | Permalink |


  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger Renee

    Way more than I ever wanted to know about sneezing. Thanks!

  • At 4:21 PM, Blogger Deirdre

    Bless you.

  • At 5:44 PM, Blogger ShooShoo

    Thanks for the info! I've heard it's similar to an orgasm also... And I've heard the same about yawning... Interesting. :)