Thursday, March 23, 2006
I love this!
As usual, I can't post any pictures. I wrote to the support folks at Blogger and they sent back a generic email that didn't answer my problem at all. Oh well, so much for that.

I have decided that I need to be grateful today for what I HAVE instead of bitching about what I don't have, so here goes:

1) I have a wonderful, supportive, tolerant husband that doesn't wipe his feet when he comes in the house. (sorry, had to add that last part)
2) I still have my Mother around and am able to talk to her every day if I want to. And she is probably going to come live with me and Tom pretty soon.
3) I only have 4 months and 19 days before I retire! Yahoo!
4) I have made some new and renewed some old friendships on this blog thingy.
5) Even though I can't post some photos I would like to share, I can still write and upload THAT to my blog.
6) We have two precious little dogs that live with us and they make me smile each in their own special way.
7) Just bought myself some new 'unmentionables' and love love love 'em. Very comfy.
8) I am getting stronger about letting my 27 year old some fall on his face, so he will grow up.
9) Tomorrow is my birthday and I will still be younger than my MID 50s. :)
10) My house is still standing even though it's a mess. At least it didn't burn down. AND they are going to replace ALL my floors instead of just some of the rooms. Now I don't have to worry about matching things up.

I guess that's about all I will say for today since I CAN'T POST ANY PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!! ARRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!
posted by Cindy N. at 11:22 AM | Permalink |


  • At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    One day I left my purse at a store. I was so upset and kept complaining because someone had taken it and didn't return it. My life was in that purse. My daughter (who is 11 now) looked at me and said, "Momma, the people in New Orleans and Biloxi lost more than a purse." I gave her a kiss and hug and told her thanks for reminding me, there's more to life than a stinking purse....but I do hope the people who took it had nothing but bad luck the rest of their lives... :) You gonna make it through this too, Cindy Lou! Be strong!

    Hope you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! Sorry I can't do lunch with you but I promise we WILL soon. Love Ya!

    Just keep saying... four more months, four more months, four more months....wish it was me.

  • At 3:00 PM, Blogger Renee

    Oh Cindy, your birthday is tomorrow! Sure, I didn't forget about that. No! Where can I take you to lunch next week?

  • At 4:22 PM, Blogger Kelli

    Happy Early Birthday to a super sweet lady!!! I hope you have a great one!

  • At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Isn't it funny how happy having new "unmentionables" makes us? :-) Glad I'm not the only one. Happy, happy birthday and many more to come.

  • At 1:43 AM, Blogger ShooShoo

    Happy Belated B-day! Hope you had lotsa fun.

    Hey, if you're still not able to post pics, how about posting them onto flickr and then directing people to the badge in your sidebar? Just an idea. :)