Monday, May 21, 2007
Not productive, but not bad either
I didn't do much today, but I didn't spend the entire day crying either, so I guess it was more successful than the last week.

I have waited to hear from the doc all day about the biopsy, but no-one called. If I don't hear anything tomorrow, I am going to call her. I am impatient about things normally, but about this, I am excessively on edge. Understandably so.

I am going to try something new tomorrow. I am going to go to a grief support group and see if it makes a difference to me. Maybe being around others going through much the same thing will help. I will see. Wish me well on that.

Also, I am going to take my laptop to get it fixed. I am tired of being stuck in the backroom alone when I am on the computer. With my laptop, I sit in there with Tom and watch TV while I do stuff on my computer. Also, there are lots of photos and such on that computer, that I NEED. It is frustrating not to have access to all of that. I know one thing, when I get it back, the first thing I will do is a back up on my USB drive. We are all told to do these things, but I wonder how many of us really do them.

That's about all I have for today. Will have more maybe tomorrow after the support group and hopefully the talk with the Boob doc!
posted by Cindy N. at 9:57 PM | Permalink |


  • At 2:13 PM, Blogger Renee

    I think the grief support group is a good idea. Let us know how it goes.