Sunday, October 07, 2007
Visit with Ash and Chair Turtle
I got to see Ash today for the first time in 3 months. He looks so good. He has gained about 30 lbs. and has built muscles, has a great tan from working outside a lot. It was nice to sit and talk with him for a while. We had a 3 hour visit and it flew by so quick, I thought my watch was wrong. I won't be able to see him again for about 60 days, but it helped to see him today and I think it helped him too, just to know someone is out there pulling for him. He has gotten lots of mail and received lots of birthday cards, so everyone that sent one, he appreciated it a lot.

He was a little bit down inthe dumps today because one of his peers was evicted from the program and that upset Ash. He was also upset because he had been called down about something he said he didn't do. Well that means he will be working in the kitchen for 30 days and it takes him just that much longer to gain his visitation priviledges. But I just told him to live for today only and do what he has to do today and don't worry about tomorrow or 30 days all at once. I hope he listened. I love him so much and I just want him to be a healthy responsible man that can ultimately get married to a nice wife and have a family. This is a start.

Remember the other day when I tried to upload a video to show you guys the 'chair turtle' at the beach? Well, I am going to try it again. I compressed it, so maybe it will work now. We shall see:

Yay!!! It worked! Now you too, can see the chair turtle. I know, we have a weird sense of humor. What can I say?

posted by Cindy N. at 11:31 PM | Permalink |


  • At 10:17 AM, Blogger Renee

    I'm glad that you and Ashley had a good visit and I know you are proud of him for sticking with it. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that he continues.
    As for the chair turtle, you're a NUT!

  • At 11:02 AM, Blogger Deirdre

    I'm glad Ashley is doing so well! And this video doesn't convey just how fast chair turtles feet were actually moving across the sand. I'm glad you took a video of this! That's one thing I forgot to document.

    It's so funny. (:

    He worked hard. We should have bought him something. Maybe next time-- oh wait, we won't stay there again because of the pool... hmmm, perhaps we can just send a thank you note to "chair turtle". :D

  • At 1:51 AM, Blogger ashley

    Your son was so touched , by what you wrote .... I am here with him now, he is watching over all us... taking care of us so we dont get hurt ... he is so sweet... your son is a great guy

    rebecca a friend