At 1:26 PM,
That creep makes my neighbors sound like the perfect neighbors, even the faith healer! You should call Peta on him over killing those poor dogs. They would run him out of the neighborhood.
And the little dog pooping on your porch? Here is what you do. You go to an all you can eat buffet and really overeat. That night when the "urge" hits you, scoop it out of the potty and go put it on his porch. If he can use your porch as his dogs personal bathroom why can't you use his porch for the same thing?
Seriously I knew someone that did that once. Their neighbors dog nevr pooped on their patio again. But then again their neighbor wasn't as bad as yours.
There is no law saying you can't return his property and technically speaking his dogs poop is his property!
He sounds like a horrible neighbor - and just a horrible person in general. Maybe he'll move!