Sunday, August 27, 2006
I just want to bitch ok!!!!!???????
There are some people in this world that just don't get it. Without implicating specific ones, some of them put their jobs before their home life and therefore they wear themselves out and then they show nothing but anger at home. Can't live like that.

Others just use you and use you and use you until you hate them and never want to see them again. And they think nothing of it at all. I guess that is what I am supposed to be here for, use use use until I am all used up.

I am sick and tire of all this moving stuff around and then moving it again and again, instead of just moving it out the door and be done with it. I HATE THIS!!!!!!!!!! Things that have been here for 17 years and nothing has been done with it, and as soon as I say give it away, suddenly now, 'we' are going to do things with it? NOT! NOT! NOT!!!!!

As Popeye once said....."I have had all I can stands and I can't stands any more!" I think I will runaway and never come back.
posted by Cindy N. at 9:16 PM | Permalink |


  • At 6:11 AM, Blogger MarkD60

    I thin Popeye said that more than once . . . .

  • At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Our lives seem so similar at times it could be SCARY!!!
    XXXOOO! Larkster