Sunday, August 13, 2006
It is just not real to me yet. I just feel like I am on vacation........permanently? It feels weird for it to be Sunday night and not have to go to work tomorrow or any other day this week.

Well, I will not be a lady of leisure for quite a while though. I have plenty of irons in the fire to burn. Tomorrow I have a painter, an insurance man, and a cabinet builder coming to my house starting at 8:00 in the morning. Sleep late? Me? Would I love to do that, YES! But it's not going to happen. The painter is supposed to be finished tomorrow or Tuesday, then I can schedule the floors to be laid.

The celophane is gone now, but we still have floors covered in pink painter paper. They use that to cover the floors when they are spraying the ceilings with texture. Of course the texture goes everywhere. I finally got rid of most of the popcorn ceilings in my house, and I am so happy about that. I hated that crap. There are only a few rooms with it on the ceilings now. The new ceilings have an orange peel finish. Love it!

I choose lighter paint colors that are fairly neutral. I really like them. The painter tinted the primer the color of the paint and it looks really nice. Clean and refreshing.
posted by Cindy N. at 8:52 PM | Permalink |


  • At 9:40 PM, Blogger Daisy Mae

    Congrats on being a lady of leisure finally, or not as the case may be. You know what I mean though.

    Hey we are painting too! I wish we had painters doing ours now that we are at day two into the project and still have a day or two left of painting yet to do.

    How is your sister making out at home?

  • At 10:55 AM, Blogger Renee

    I remember my mom said the EXACT same thing when she first retired - that it didn't feel real and that she felt like she was on vacation.
    Here's to a freshly remodeled house soon and endless days of leisure!

  • At 12:09 PM, Blogger mox

    Congratulations! WooHoo -- Permanent vacation!

    You will start to wonder after a while just how you found time to work.