Sunday, November 04, 2007
Finally called the Doc back.....
It seemed to be taking me forever to get over a sore throat and general lethargy, so I finally called the doc's office again and they told me to take my cortisone and it would help to kick it out. So I did and I am feeling better.

Yesterday and today Tom and I worked a lot around the house. He cut limbs away from the roof and then got all the leaves and pinestraw off the roof. That should help to alleviate the porch roof leak that had pinestraw piled up right were the leak was occuring.

I finished going through some boxes in one of the storage units so now BYE BYE STORAGE UNIT! YAY! Gotta call them tomorrow to tell them to come get it. It will be odd to look out the window and see something other than the steel wall of a storage unit.

I attacked the pool which had a cracked lid on the pump housing, so I had another pump just like the other one and got parts from it and fixed my pump. Now the pool is running again which will help with the algae it forms when it sits still.

The desk was cleaned off, all pool accessories we stored away. More things were cleaned away from the back porch and put in storage. Somewhere under all that stuff, there is a metal table I haven't seen in a couple of years. Maybe I will see it again soon. LOL
posted by Cindy N. at 9:49 PM | Permalink |


  • At 10:53 PM, Blogger Daisy Martin

    I'm glad you are feeling a little better now!

    My sister in law is looking into having the lapband surgery. I told her about your surgery abd how well you are doing with it. Your progress is awesome. I am so jealous. I think I found the weight you lost (on my thighs!) Keep up the good work! Your mom would be so proud of you. I am sure she is looking down on you now, so pleased in the steps you have taken to be a healthier person.

  • At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Way to go girl, keep up the good work.

    I haven't been able to get to Curves with Nat being home and only one vehilce it's hard. So, this is a tough month for me. Because I'm not getting my usual exercise I'm being extra careful with what I eat and I try to do a little more exercise at work and home. I get up and out of my chair at work often, this alone helps.

    Delta B#1