Here I am again. It's been a few days since I have blogged but I can tell you, they have been chocked full of fear, fun, excitement, shock and just about every other emotion that goes with all that's been going on.
First of all, last Thursday (the 9th) my Mom went to the doctor for a regular checkup. She wasn't feeling badly or anything, just went for her prescription refills, regular look-at-by-the-doctor visit. He sent her to the hospital immediately from there because her heart is in A-fib. That means one side of the heart is fibrolating (sp?) and the other side is beating. D-fib is when both sides are fibrolating and you have to be Zapped.
They started giving her blood thinners, so that in 3 weeks from then, they can zap her to shock her back into a correct rythm. I stayed with her all day Friday and the cardiologist said she was safe as far as having a heart attack. I asked him if he thought I could still go to Houston and he said absolutely. She would be fine and they would keep adjusting her meds to thin the blood.
Tom and I and our friend Brett, left Saturday morning to go to Houston. That trip was ok with the exception of leaving late, but that is normal for me and Tom.
Sunday morning, our housekeeper went to the house to clean it for us and she freaked! She called me in Houston and told me my house was full of water! A pipe had burst in the ceiling and water was falling from the attic and coming down walls, out of the cabinets onto pieces of furniture, soaking carpet in most every room of my house. OH MY GOD! I am 300 miles away, what do I do?
We called our son, Kirk, to go to the house to turn the water off. He went to the house and called us back and verified the chaos at our home. He turned the water and the power off to the house. We were worried about fire and electrical shorts.
I called our insurance and they sent a drying crew to our house within 4 hours. The worked for another 4 hours to pull out carpet, dry flooring, and move furniture out of rooms so more carpet could be pulled, etc. etc. etc. Kirk and Deirdre (his wife) stayed with the crew to help. Bless their hearts. I don't know what we would have done without their help.
The drying crew left blowers and dehumidifiers in the house overnight and said there was nothing else they could do until tomorrow (Monday).
So Tom, I and Brett went to the show we had planned to see. Cirque de Soleil, Delerium. It was awesome. I really enjoyed it, BUT we kept thinking about the house and Mom, so there was an underlying worry.
Up early Monday morning.....headed back to Baton Rouge. We walked into the house and all I could do was just stand there and look around the house. Everything had been moved, put somewhere else. Couldn't find where anything was, had no carpet, blowers going everywhere, loud, noisy and total chaos.
Tuesday morning....drying crew comes back, checks their equipment and finds one more room of wet carpet. That was the office. Another blower added, more noise.
Wednesday morning.....drying crew does their visit to check equipment again and finds the 5th room is wet in the closet area. I had already told them I thought that one would be wet because of where it is located and the proximity to the living room that was full of water. Well, they finally found it today. Now we have to move everything from in their to let them pull that carpet.
That's all I have energy for right now. Will post more later. Say prayers please!